V2.5 Lots of new features!
25/04/14 13:39
Version 2.5 is now available on the Mac AppStore.
The new key features are:
The new key features are:
- Greatly improved energy usage, now uses 0% when docked.
- Configuration folder now takes much less disk space.
- New features for Icons
- Reusable images, every time you customize an icon with an image, the image will be displayed on a list and can be easily used on other icons. There are some images already included that can be used as the base for making your own icons.
- Advanced options, run any item with several system events, such as before system goes to sleep, etc.
- Also options to quit apps with system events.
- Right click menu now has an option to add custom icons (this icons are applescript files located on ~/Library/TabLauncher/Scripts)
- You can create more custom icons using your own applescripts, or scripts that you find on the web.
- A script can be added to display information on the Icon’s badge, such as the number of unread messages, etc.
- The icon’s name can also be customized, for example to display the name of a music playing on iTunes.
- You can also customize the icon’s right click menu. For example the Trash icon now has options to eject external drives, or only the virtual drives.
- It’s now possible to set a timer for each item in your tabs.
- TabLauncher is now scriptable. You can modify some or all of your items at once using applescripts. (For example to set the size of all icons at once, you can run a simple script like this: tell application "TabLauncher" to set icons size of tabs to 40
- New option to make TabLauncher stay open until you click on an icon or tab.
- There are a bunch of other bug fixes.